The Patterns

Open Pattern Technology
As a pioneer, Predator is recognized as the original creator of Open Pattern Technology for camouflage that we see becoming more popular. With a hard-core following, Predator is and always will be recognized by both professionals and serious hunters as the camouflage patterns most sought after. These hunters are the ones that care about the effectiveness of their pattern.

Spring Green
Spring Green’s large contrasting colors work with the surrounding elements to break up your silhouette.
Spring, summer, or fall, Spring Green provides a hunter with the confidence to close the distance between him and his prey. Spring Green is a pattern that performs best in a green environment, whether that is pine forests or open country.

Fall Gray
Fall Gray is an early or late season pattern which provides extreme break up of the human silhouette, from tree stand hunting to chasing elk in the Aspens of the Western Rockies. Because of its effectiveness and flexibility, Fall Gray reigns as the long-time favorite of many die-hard hunters across the country.
As one of the original patterns develop over 28 years ago, Fall Gray contains large open areas and blotch effects, laid atop a branch pattern to give it solid break up lines. This deadly equation allows the pattern to obliterate the human silhouette, making it a favorite among tree stand hunters and those who brave late season conditions.

Brown Deception
Brown Deception utilizes nine different brown earth tones to allow hunters to disappear - whether on the ground or in a tree in the Midwest, out West in the mountains, or even in the deserts of Africa.
Predator's Deception pattern, introduced in 2001, was created with the Predator ideology: The pattern may not have that photo realistic look, but it is the prey's perception that truly matters. Brown Deception was designed with the original patterns in mind, and built with the same Open Pattern Technology. In addition to that concept, it introduced a shadow effect that gave the pattern unrivaled depth, along with detail on the branches, to enhance the break up effect.

Green Deception
Green Deception gives you an early season color advantage allowing you to disappear in green surroundings.
Green Deception, introduced in 2004, was created with the Predator ideology: The pattern may not have that photo realistic look, but it is the prey’s perception that truly matters. The Deception™ pattern was designed with the original patterns in mind, and built with the same Open Pattern Technology™. In addition to that concept, it introduced a shadow effect that gave the pattern depth, along with detail on the branches, to enhance the break up effect.

3D Deception
3D Deception brings state-of-the-art digital printing technology, in a palette of subtle colors, to dissolve in almost any terrain.
3D Deception is built atop our Deception pattern, adding in more layers and detail never seen in a Predator pattern before, while still having the same great Predator effect that hunters have come to love. 3D Deception has the ability to work in vast and varied environments due to its color combinations. It is also incredibly effective at long distances, as well as up close and personal. The pattern appears as though you could reach into it and pull out a handful of leaves.